How Does Government Marketing Affect a Government Campaigning

It is a fact that the U.S. government has more than half a trillion dollars to spend on marketing each year. The first thing anyone thinks of when they hear this is that the government must spend a ton of money on advertising. While this is definitely true, there is a lot more to government marketing than just advertising. Whether or not you agree with the money that is spent on the government's advertising campaigns, there is a good chance that you will be affected by the work of the government. The whole process is a type of marketing used to convince the general public to buy a product or service that is produced by the government. The product can be a physical product like a new bridge, or an intangible one like a new law or regulation. The goal of government marketing is to persuade citizens to believe that the government has the best interests of the public in mind and that the government process is the best resource for obtaining the desired product or service. This marketin...